Live Turbo Poker Tournament Strategy

Regular tournaments and turbo tournaments aren’t one in the
same. The majority of tournaments will have normal blind
structures whereas turbo events move much faster. For example,
many live poker tournaments have blind levels that last around
45 minutes to an hour. In a turbo event, however, these same
levels are shorted to 15-30 minutes. Needless to say, the game
is going to be much more fast paced and your decision making is
going to be directly affected. Whether you are looking at the
strategy for the beginning of an event or as a whole, changes
are going to be made.

Adjusting Your Strategy For Turbo and Hyper-Turbo Tournaments. Visitors will find a daily dose of articles with the latest poker news, live reporting from tournaments, exclusive. What's the best strategy when it comes to playing turbo poker tournaments? What are the key factors that separate the winners & losers? What is the ONE SKILL. In this section we provide live tournament poker tips from our team of strategy writers. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional we can offer the best advice to any player hoping to.

The attraction to turbo tournaments is that they don’t take a
long time to play. The tradeoff to this is the fact that there
will be less opportunity to play and there will be a heavier
emphasis on the luck dynamic. You may just not be cut out to
play in turbo tournaments at all. There’s going to be much higher
levels of aggression in a turbo tournament than what you will
normally find in regular events. The types of players that you
face are going to be different as well. There are so many
variables that need to be accounted for when you go from one
type of tournament to the next.

Player Type

You may or may not realize it, but the general type of player
that you’ll face in these events is going to be quite
different. In normal tournaments, most players are going to be
very passive and will lean towards the more amateur end of the
poker playing demographic. The reason for this is that many
poker players are only in the game for the recreational value.
They don’t have any interest in being competitive to the point
where they are failing to have fun with the game. This is the
primary reason for why tournament poker is profitable for so

When you move into the turbo tournaments, you are still
going to be running into many weak players. The difference is
that these players tend to be more well-adjusted to their game
of type and will usually have a more diverse skill set. Turbo
tournaments are much like any variation of any game in that its
uniqueness creates more specialized players.

General Approach

The standard strategy to turbo tournaments should not be
drastically different than what you would find in any other
event. The primary difference is also the most noticeable, with
the speed of play definitely being at a faster pace. You aren’t
going to have as many people who sit around and wait for hands
as the structure just won’t allow for this to work. You’ll
need to widen your hand ranges right from the beginning so as to
allow yourself the opportunity to get involved before you
cripple yourself through the blinds alone.

Aggression is going to be met with more opposition in turbo
tournaments than in regular tournaments. In a regular event,
there will be a lot of people who just back down to pressure so
that they can last another hand and pick another spot. Because
your odds of lasting longer are greatly decreased by the speed
of the blinds, players in turbo events are more inclined to
fight back. This doesn’t mean that you should be backing down
on your own levels of aggression, not by any means. All that it
means is that you’ll need to be more willing to play in raised
and re-raised pots. The play in turbo events is going to be much
more aggressive as a whole from start to finish and you need to
adjust your play accordingly.

Luck Factor

The amount of luck involved in tournaments is hard to
overstate. When you consider turbo events, you’ll be
subjecting yourself to even more volatility than normal. Earlier
it was mentioned that the play is much faster, which in turn
leaves less opportunity for anyone to really play a ton of hands
over a long period of time. Instead, you’ll be playing in few
pots for greater amounts of chips. There’s nothing you can do
to change this dynamic of the game, but you can still work
towards minimizing the extent to which luck personally affects

Live turbo poker tournament strategy for beginners

One of the most optimal ways to reduce the role that luck
plays in turbo tournaments is to be the aggressor whenever
possible. As a general rule of thumb, the person doing the
betting is going to be more likely to win a hand than the person
calling down the bets. You should be trying to win all of the
uncontested and unraised pots that you possibly can.

Even though players are going to be more active in turbo events, it doesn’t
mean that there won’t be a fair share of dead money
floating around. Make open raises, bet the flops, and use
your aggression to force your opponents into a corner. There’s
no better environment in which to use aggression to your
advantage than in a turbo tournament.

Running Deep

A deep run in these events is going to mean two very
different things. Again with luck, you are going to need things
to go your way in a turbo tournament. Not to say that this isn’t
true in any poker tournament, but the lack of actual play is
going to create an even greater need for bigger hands that can
win on their own. In the bulk of normal poker tournaments, even
players at the final table will have 50 or more big blinds to
work with. In a turbo event, the number of big blinds could
easily be closer to the range of 5-20 big blinds. This will
inevitably create a storm of all-ins where ultimately players
become handcuffed.

In a turbo tournament, you’ll need to have the will power
and determination to take down pots and make plays when you are
running low. You can’t fold and wait for hands. Sure, your life
is going to be on the line over and over again, but this is the
only way that you can really expect to win.

Learn to play your
opponents as much as you can because the cards can only help you
so much. Turbo tournament poker is much more about picking the
correct spots than it is about having good hands. If you can
successfully control your opponents, it won’t always matter
whether you are being dealt the best of hands.

The first thing that you want to do before playing in a video poker tournament is figure out the rules and other details.

This is important because you must decide what kind of strategy is needed to reach the prize money. You must also figure out what tourneys best suit you.

Texas Hold'em Tournament Strategy

Here are the standard types of video poker tournaments:

  • Buy-In Without a Fee – These events see 100% of players’ buy-ins go directly into the prize pool.
  • Buy-in with a Fee – The casino that’s hosting the tournament takes a small fee from each buy-in. In most cases, the fee includes an extra 5%-10% on top of the buy-in (e.g.,$100 + $10).
  • Open Freeroll – A freeroll is aptly named, since you don’t have to pay anything to enter. The “open” aspect refers to how anybody at the casino can enter because there aren’tany requirements.
  • VIP Freeroll – These tournaments also don’t require players to pay an entry fee. The catch is that you have to be a certain VIP status to be invited.

You should use your specific situation to decide what type of events you’re willing to play.


A well-funded video poker player who wants to compete for big prize money will find open freerolls to be a waste of time.

This is because open freerolls can draw hundreds or thousands of players. And the prize pools are generally small, meaning a tiny percentage of the field will cash.

On the other hand, any gambler with a small bankroll should consider open freerolls because these offer a chance to win real money.

Another consideration comes in with VIP freerolls. Specifically, you want to decide whether the freeroll prize pools make it worth attaining a specific loyalty status.

You should also look at the other rewards being offered in the program to see if it’s worth meeting the VIP status requirements.

When it comes to buy-in tournaments, you obviously want to play in events where you don’t have to pay extra fees. But keep in mind that tourneys with house fees can be the most lucrative in termsof prize pools.

As for the rules, you need to know if a tourney has a time limit, credit limit, hand limit, or a combination of these. Here are different formats featured in video poker tournaments:

  • Timed – These tournaments last for a specific number of minutes (e.g., 20 minutes). The winner is the player with the highest score when the time is up.
  • Credit Limit – Entrants continue playing until their credits run out. The winner is determined by who has the most credits when everybody is finished playing their round.
  • Credit and Time Limit – Ends when the time limit is reached. But players can also run out of credits before the time limit.
  • Hand Limit – The tournament runs for a specific number of hands (e.g., 300 hands). The winner is the player who has the highest bankroll when the hands are finished.

Timed tournaments are the most common in video poker. These see you play as quickly as possible in hopes of winning the most credits.

For example, you may be given 30 minutes to rack up as many credits as possible. When the half hour is up, players’ scores are tallied, and a winner is determined.

Live Turbo Poker Tournament Strategy Books

You want to play as quickly as possible in any timed video poker tourney. This ensures that you give yourself the best possible chance to win lots of credits.

Hand limit events are also fairly common. An example would be a tournament that lasts for 500 hands.

You should take your time with these tourneys because there’s no pressure and you want to make the best decisions.