Meaning Of Craps In Hindi

Craps is a dice game in which the players make wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of a pair of dice. Players may wager money against each other (playing 'street craps') or a bank (playing 'casino craps', also known as 'table craps', or often just 'craps'). Definition of craps in the dictionary. Meaning of craps. What does craps mean? Information and translations of craps in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Definition of word gaps

  • Plural form of gap. (noun)
  • Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gap. (verb)

Examples of word gaps

Meaning of craps in hindi typing
  • 'Driving the ball in the gaps is a big part of my game, and it feels good to give our team the win.'
  • Making people explain 'gaps' in the recording and watching or simply searching the video for keywords could determine if the employee was doing what they should or not.
  • TILA, RESPA, Fair Debt Collection Protection Act, the CRA, etc. exist and the agency will be able to enforce them and to write rules to fill in gaps — level playing field for everyone.
  • JW: How can you look for gap-fillers except in gaps?
  • The faith of secularists is hidden behind you put your God in gaps (false for the reasons given) and I put materialism into my gaps.
  • “Many of our graduates go on to work at VFX studios where their job is to fill in gaps in television episodes with effects,” he said.
  • Maybe, eventually, they will find that certain gaps can not be filled.
  • But your god (philosophical naturalism) must hide in gaps empiricism cannot fill or must bow to the reality that it is an ordinary presumption.

Words related to gaps

Leg cramps are a common and usually harmless condition where the muscles in your leg suddenly become tight and painful.

It usually occurs in the calf muscles, although it can affect any part of your leg, including your feet and thighs.

After the cramping has passed, you may have pain and tenderness in your leg for several hours.

Three out of four cases occur at night during sleep.

Read more about the symptoms of leg cramps.

What causes leg cramps?

Leg cramps can occur for no apparent reason, known as idiopathic leg cramps, or as a symptom or complication of a health condition, known as secondary leg cramps.

Causes of secondary leg cramps can include:

  • exercise
  • certain types of medication, such as statins (medicines that help lower cholesterol levels)

During a cramp, your muscles suddenly contract (shorten), causing pain in your leg. This is known as a spasm, and you cannot control the affected muscle.

The cramp can last from a few seconds to 10 minutes. When the spasm passes, you will be able to control the affected muscle again.

Read more about the causes of leg cramps.

When to see your GP

Speak to your GP if your leg cramps are affecting your quality of life; for example, if you have frequent leg cramps or they are interfering with your sleep.

Meaning Of Craps In Hindi Dubbed

Your GP will ask about your symptoms and examine your legs and feet. They may also ask if you have other symptoms, such as numbness or swelling, which may be a sign that you have secondary leg cramps caused by an underlying condition.

In this case, you may need further tests, such as blood tests and urine tests, to rule out other conditions.

Treating leg cramps

Most cases of leg cramps can be relieved by exercising the affected muscles. Exercising your legs during the day will often help reduce how often you get cramping episodes.


To stretch your calf muscles, stand with the front half of your feet on a step, with your heels hanging off the edge. Slowly lower your heels so that they are below the level of the step. Hold for a few seconds before lifting your heels back up to the starting position. Repeat a number of times.

Medication is usually only needed in the most persistent cases where cramping does not respond to exercise.

If you have secondary leg cramps, treating the underlying cause may help relieve your symptoms.

Leg cramps that occur during pregnancy should pass after the baby is born.

Treating cramps that occur as a result of serious liver disease can be more difficult. Your treatment plan may include using medications such as muscle relaxants.

Read more about treating leg cramps

Preventing leg cramps

If you often get leg cramps, regularly stretching the muscles in your lower legs may help prevent the cramps or reduce their frequency.

You might find it useful to stretch your calves before you go to bed each night (see stretching advice above or try this post-exercise calf stretch).

Meaning Of Craps In Hindi Language

The following night-time advice may also help:

Meaning Of Craps In Hindi Games

  • If you lie on your back, make sure that your toes point upwards – placing a pillow on its side at the end of your bed, with the soles of your feet propped up against it may help keep your feet in the right position.
  • If you lie on your front, hang your feet over the end of the bed – this will keep your feet in a relaxed position and help stop the muscles in your calves from contracting and tensing.
  • Keep your sheets and blankets loose.