Myron's Deli Isle Casino
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Feb 28, 2020 Myron's Deli Review of Isle Casino Racing Pompano Park Reviewed April 13, 2016 Myron's Deli is a fun place to eat before or after or during the pastrami sandwiches.and the potatoes pancakes. Ellis Island Casino, HOtel & BREWERY a local's favorite since 1968, JUST ONE BLOCK EAST OF THE LAS VEGAS STRIP A Vegas landmark for over 50 years, the family-owned Ellis Island Casino, Hotel & Brewery is a comfortable blend of casino, award-winning dining options, and fun - all at an 'old Vegas' value price point. Latest reviews, photos and đđŸratings for Myron's at 777 Isle of Capri in Pompano Beach - view the menu, â°hours, âïžphone number, âaddress and map. Myron's $$. Kosher, Tabletop Games.
Nick SortalServes Breakfast, Sandwich, Deli. Cost $75 for two people (approx.). The isles casino deli, myrons deli, myron's delicatessen menu, pompano isle myrons deli, myrons.
By Nick Sortal
The floor plan has changed significantly but donât worry: Isle Casino and Racing in Pompano Beach honchos didnât mess with the menu at Myronâs Delicatessen.
The popular restaurant re-opened in January after closing about 10 weeks for a makeover. Myronâs had been sequestered from the nearby slot and electronic card games, but workers knocked out a shared wall. Now gamblers can sidle up to a counter and still see the action while tucking into a meal, and those seated at the previously existing Myronâs tables can also get in a nice session of people-watching. Thereâs also a walk-up, carry-out station on the casino side of the counter.
Isle General Manage Rob Wyre says by adding a carry-out, counter service and entryway café, the main dining room and the crowds that gather there for service can be handled better, and those who want to sit and dine inside will have less of a wait during busy times.
âWe have people who come to the Isle specifically to eat at Myronâs and we want to give them the best service possible,â Wyre says. âBut there are also people who are involved in the casino who want to take the food with them, so we have better ways to also take care of them.â
For those unfamiliar, Myronâs is a legit deli â and thatâs kind of selling it short. Patrons receive complimentary pickles and peppers while they sit and ponder the menu. And it might take a while to choose between traditional deli favorites including knishes ($4.95), noodle kugel ($5.95), potato latkes ($6.95), pastrami, corned beef, brisket and other sandwiches ($11.95) and, of course, Dr. Brownâs soft drinks ($3.50) and egg creams ($2.95).
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Myronâs also added what it calls a cafĂ© outside its entrance, with tables â which clears out space inside for those deli diners. Lattes, cappuccinos, ice cream, shakes, sundaes, cookies, and those egg creams are available in the cafĂ© area.
The deli is open from 9 a.m. to midnight Sundays through Thursdays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. The café opens at 7 a.m. on weekends.
Myron's Delicatessen is located in the Pompano Park Isle of Capri Casinos and Racing at 777 Isle of Capri Circle, Pompano Beach. Call 954-633-7482, or visit
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Myron's Deli Isle Casino Buffet
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***** Myronâs Delicatessen, 1800 SW 3rd Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 (800) 843-4753.
Last night I played some poker at the Isle Casino & Racing at Pompano Park. After losing only 22 bucks (just in case my wife is reading this) I and a couple of friends had a âbiteâ at Myronâs Deli which is located in the casino-facility.
Isle Casino Bettendorf
Myronâs is a New York City Kosher Style DeliâŠthe joint is done-up to look like a deli circa 1950s. Just so you know, all of the restaurants at the Isle are owned/operated by the Isle of Capri CasinoâŠtake a look at its website at for a list of restaurants/hours/and other details.
Isle Casino Cape Girardeau
Last night, Myronâs passed the pastrami, corned beef, brisket test. The sandwiches were nice sized. The meats were as good as those served in your favorite neighborhood bagel joint. As for prices, $3-$4 more than what the local joints getâŠHey! come on, the casino is like a movie theatre or an amusement park, you are what they call a âcaptive audience,â so you pay more, itâs just that simple. Have you seen what it costs to âfeedâ a family of 4 at a Heat or Marlinsâ game?
You now know about a joint where you can get a nice deli sandwich, soup, knishâŠassuming Lady Luck hasnât entirely wiped you out.
Myron's Deli At The Isle Casino
Myronâs is open Sunday-Thursday 11am-1am and Friday-Saturday 11am-3am.