Ret Paladin Best In Slot Trinkets

Welcome to our quick start guide for your Retribution Paladin in Battle for Azeroth. Here we’re going to be covering the basic, need-to-know information for how to play your Paladin effectively. This guide covers just the facts. While extensive testing and simulation time backs our data up, it’s all been omitted to keep this guide as simple as possible. If you’re new to Retribution, if you’re coming back from a break, or you just want to get up to speed for Battle for Azeroth, this is the guide for you.

Updated Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor Ret Paladin Quick Tips through High Tinker Mekkatorque. All Charts Updated at 6:04 AM. Added initial Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor Ret Paladin Quick Tips. All Charts Updated at 7:51 PM. Updated Azerite Helmet Trait selection. All Charts Updated for nerfs at 7:46 PM. Therefore, for some special products in Best Ret Paladin Trinkets, besides making the most updated suggestions, we also try to offer customer discounts and coupons provided by the provider. Are the suggestions given to Best Ret Paladin Trinkets sorted by priority order? Normally, the best suggestion is often on the top. For an overview of all trinkets at all possible item levels, check out our Retribution Trinket Guide for Battle for Azeroth. What Are the Best Azerite Traits for Retribution Paladins? This is a tricky question to answer without a chart. Trinket Slot firstly, you have to decide whether to use on-use trinkets or passive trinkets. I would prefer passive trinkets to achieve 'consistent' dps for trash but i also like to have a nice boost during boss fight. The answer is easy, since we cannot trigger 2 on-use trinket together, you might as well use 1 passive trinket and 1 on-use.

If you’d like to dig into the nuts and bolts of Retribution in the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch, you may want to check out our advanced guides.

What’s New in Battle for Azeroth?

  • Battle for Azeroth is now live. Have fun on Zandalar and Kul’tiras!
  • Artifact traits and Netherlight Crucible traits removed. The Ashbringer is now just a regular sword that you can put relics into. Relics only increase the weapon’s item level.
  • Ret ability changes. Nearly all abilities have had their damage, damage type, cooldown, and/or effects altered. Avenging Wrath and Shield of Vengeance are now on the global cooldown.
  • Ret talent changes. All DPS-affecting talents have been rebalanced and shuffled around. Some new talents—like Wake of Ashes, and Righteous Verdict—are old Artifact traits or Legendary effects.
  • New Ret Mastery. Mastery: Hand of Light now increases all Holy damage done at all times, and isn’t reliant on the debuff from Judgment.

The full list of all the abilities that were changed in Battle for Azeroth would be longer than this entire document, so we won’t list them here. Rebdull’s guide over at Wowhead—here—does have the full changelog, though. If you’re interested you should definitely check it out!

What Talents Should I Choose?

For leveling from 110 to 120, you should choose these talents:

Level 15:Zeal
Level 30:Hammer of Wrath or Blade of Wrath
Level 60:Wake of Ashes
Level 75:Cavalier
Level 100:Divine Purpose

For raids and dungeons at the level cap, you should choose these talents instead:

Level 15:Righteous Verdict (1-2 targets) or Zeal (3+ targets)
Level 30:Hammer of Wrath or Blade of Wrath
Level 60:Wake of Ashes or Consecration (only viable if your target always stands in its radius)
Level 75:Unbreakable Spirit
Level 100:Inquisition

Your Level 45 and Level 90 talent choices don’t typically affect your raid performance.

There are some edge cases where other talent choices may also be viable. We’ll be covering those in a future guide.

What is Retribution’s DPS Rotation?

Ret’s rotation consists of two types of abilities: Holy Power generators and finishers. Generators will build anywhere from 1 to 5 Holy Power (the cap), and finishers will consume 1-3 Holy Power to deal high amounts of damage or provide a substantial buff.

You should use generators in this priority:

  1. Wake of Ashes (if you have taken this talent)
  2. Hammer of Wrath (if you have taken this talent)
  3. Conscration (if you have taken this talent)

Once you are capped at 5 Holy Power—or your next generator would put you over the cap—you should use finishers in this priority:

  1. Inquisition (if you have taken this talent)
  2. Execution Sentence (if you have taken this talent)
  3. Templar’s Verdict (single target) or Divine Storm (3 or more targets)

When refreshing Inquisition, you should always try to use 3 Holy Power to minimize global cooldown waste. You can safely refresh Inquisition when its remaining duration is 13 seconds or less.

You should use Avenging Wrath as often as possible—as long as Inquisition has at least 20 seconds left on its duration. If it doesn’t, refresh it before starting Avenging Wrath. During Avenging Wrath you should use finishers as soon as you reach 3 Holy Power (rather than wait to cap at 5). You should try to use Avenging Wrath at the same time that your raid uses Heroism or Bloodlust, but don’t delay using it so long that you lose out on a cooldown throughout the fight.

While Shield of Vengeance is technically a defensive cooldown, it also has significant offensive value. Using it on cooldown will increase your total DPS by 3-5%, depending on fight length. If you do not need it for defensive purposes, you should use Shield of Vengeance whenever possible.

There are some additional nuances to Retribution’s rotation that come into play only with very specific talent builds. We’ll be doing a deep dive on the Retribution rotation in a future guide.

What Are the Best Stats for Retribution in Battle for Azeroth?

All else being equal, this is how Ret Paladins value secondary stats in BfA:

Strength > Haste > Critical Strike = Versatility > Mastery

Keep in mind that all of Retribution’s secondary stats are extremely close in value. Increasing your item level in a slot is almost always an upgrade regardless of the item’s stats.

There are no meaningfully attainable hard or soft caps for haste that will affect your gearing strategy. Just wear as much of it as you can get your hands on.

For a more detailed stats breakdown, including a pre-raid “Best in Slot” list, check out the Equipment Guide for Battle for Azeroth.

What Are the Best Legendary Items for Retribution Paladins?

Your Legion Legendaries will only work through level 115. And given that you aren’t in a raid our dungeon, our priorities change significantly. You may want to consider using some of the following:

Sephuz’ Secret: Almost everything will be stunnable, so you can trigger the haste and run speed buff on cooldown.
Scarlet Inquisitor’s Expurgation: Being able to delete a large pull once per minute is pretty powerful.
Kil’jaeden’s Burning Wish: This isn’t as strong as the legendary chest, but still a viable choice.
Aggramar’s Stride: Faster running means faster leveling!

What Are the Best Pre-Raid Trinkets for Retribution Paladins in Battle for Azeroth?

Jes’ Howler and Briny Barnacle are very strong on both a single target, and on multiple targets. They should be your default choices in nearly all situations.

Merektha’s Fang is extremely strong if you can consistently use it on multiple targets, but is nearly useless on a single target.

For an overview of all trinkets at all possible item levels, check out our Retribution Trinket Guide for Battle for Azeroth.

What Are the Best Azerite Traits for Retribution Paladins?

This is a tricky question to answer without a chart. For pre-raid gear, the best Azerite pieces are:

Sea-Brawler’s Greathelm
Pauldrons of the Great Unifier
Harpooner’s Plate Cuirass

A higher item level piece of Azerite armor is nearly always an upgrade, regardless of which traits it has on it. A detailed breakdown of all traits—and all possible Azerite gear—will be covered in an upcoming guide.

What Enchants and Gems Should I Choose?

Enchant Weapon – Quick Navigation
Enchant Ring – Pact of Haste

If you have any socketed gear, you should have one Kraken’s Eye of Strength, and fill any remaining sockets with Quick Owlseye.

What Consumables Should I Use?

Flask:Flask of the Undertow (or Mystical Flask if your raid provides them).
Food:Bountiful Captain’s Feast (or Swamp Fish ‘n Chips if feasts are unavailable)
Rune:Battle-Scarred Augment Rune
Potion:Potion of Bursting Blood on single target fights, or Battle Potion of Strength on multi-target fights.

I’m Making a New Paladin. What Race Should I Choose?

Choose the race that you think looks the best. Dark Iron Dwarf and Blood Elf are the best Alliance and Horde choices at the moment, but it’s a very tiny difference between even the best and worst race. About this tiny:

Update Info

Guide Last Updated: August 13, 2018
Simulationcraft Version:SimulationCraft 801-01

Below you will find the list of updates and changes that occur to the available guides.


  • Both Trinket charts updated.
  • Skulker's Wing implemented in SimC.
  • Updated PvP Trinket item levels.


  • Both Trinket charts updated.
  • Memory of Past Sins implemented in SimC.


  • Ringing Clarity change of throwing up to 3 additional Judgments confirmed intentional.


  • Trinket charts updated.
  • Decanter of Anima-Charged Winds added to SimC.
  • Conduit charts updated.
  • Ringing clarity updated in SimC based on new behavior of having a chance to throw up to 3 additional Judgments instead of all 3 or nothing.


  • All charts updated.
  • Smothered Shank works in SimC again.
  • Niya now works in SimC and Raidbots Nightly is updated.
  • Updated Conduit charts. Templar's Vindication could crit in SimC but does not ingame. SimC update to come later.
  • Moved Hammer of Wrath above Blade of Justice in priority.


  • Updated Trinket Charts.
  • Added more Trinket notes above Charts.
  • Finish updating Legendary section.


  • Weapon Enchant charts are now general Enchant charts.


  • All Charts updated.
  • Talent chart added for ST and AoE.
  • Weapon Enchant chart added for ST and AoE.
  • Consumables chart added for ST and AoE.
  • Racials chart added for ST and AoE.
  • Fixed Chart tooltips covering axis labels.
  • Added Ringing Clarity to Bug Tracker and note above Conduit Chart.
  • Updated Grove Invigoration with explanation on Covenant Charts.
  • Added Soulbind information for each Covenant.


  • Trinket Charts updated. Darkmoon Deck adjusted to 200 base item level.


  • Main Guide mostly updated.


  • All Charts updated at 1:57 AM for Hotfixes.


  • All Charts updated at 10:23 PM.
  • Visions of Perfection now provides full 25% CDR in the charts.
  • Potion of Empowered Proximity once again works in SimC.
  • Added Holy Avenger/Seraphim macro.


  • Verified all bugs aside from Retribution Aura.
  • Added Wake of Ashes bug.
  • Removed Corruption FAQ. Fixed in Pre-Patch.
  • All Charts updated at 10:49 PM.


  • Mechanics page updated for new Secondary Stat diminishing returns.


  • All pages updated for Shadowlands Pre-Patch!


  • Updated Mythic+ Guide Corruption information.
  • Updated information above Corruption Efficiency charts.


  • Corruption Charts updated at 7:28 PM for Gushing Wounds nerf.


  • All Charts updated at 8:43 PM.
  • Sorry for the infrequent Chart Updating. Game has been a drag this last patch for me. Nothing drastic has changed though and if you simmed yo self you would have no issues.
  • Minor Typos corrected.


  • Updated Mythic+ Corruption.


  • All Charts updated at 8:43 PM. Remembered to add Mechagon Azerite Chest and Shoulders to charts.

Retribution Paladin Best In Slot Trinket


  • All Charts updated at 9:10 PM. Sims previously did not properly account for the Stamina bonus granted by Perseverance.
  • F.A.Q. Updated


  • All Charts updated at 2:05 AM. This includes recent Corruption buffs and nerfs, including Obsidian Skin properly splitting damage in AoE. Trinkets buffs included as well.


  • The Formless Void Minor added to Azerite Essence Chart.
  • Purification Protocol Aberration added to Azerite Essence Chart.
  • Obsidian Skin added to Corruption charts.


  • All Charts updated at 10:49 PM. This includes recent Corruption scaling changes and Trinket buffs.


  • Corruption Charts updated for additional Infinite Stars nerf.


  • Corruption Charts updated for Infinite Stars nerf.


  • First Major 8.3 updates. Expect many frequent updates as the patch and sims mature.
  • Mythic+ Guide finally added.


  • All Charts updated at 4:42 PM.


  • All Charts updated at 11:10 PM.
  • Zeal's attack speed now increases the proc chance of Art of War/Blade of Wrath.


  • All Charts updated at 1:50 AM.


  • Finally add Mythic Azshara's Eternal Palace tips. Sorry I'm very lazy.
  • Minor housekeeping.


  • All Charts updated at 7:47 PM.
  • Visions of Perfections updated in Sims. Will be on Raidbots tomorrow 08/01/2019.


  • All Charts updated at 2:50 AM.
  • Ashvane's Razor Coral usage updated.
  • Condensed Life Force usage updated.
  • Vision of Perfection updated. Not yet in SimC.

Ret Paladin Best In Slot Trinkets 2019


  • All Charts updated at 1:30 AM.


  • Trinket Charts updated at 4:37 AM. Azshara's Font of Power fixed.


  • All charts updated! New gear added. 430 base ilvl with a few exceptions. BoD Azerite removed. Uldir trinkets removed. WQ trinkets capped at 415. If I'm missing an Azerite that drops at 430 ilvl please let me know.
  • Potion of Focused Resolved Nerfed.


  • All charts updated! New gear will be added once Raid is closer.


  • Initial 8.2 update covering Essences. More to come!


  • All Charts Updated at 5:09 AM with Crucible of Storms Trinkets.


  • All Charts Updated at 6:00 AM. Expect slower chart updates. The sims are fairly stable at this point but I will always make sure to update ASAP if anything changes.


  • All Charts Updated at 12:50 PM.


  • Initial 8.1.5 Update.


  • All Charts Updated at 10:28 PM.


  • All Charts Updated at 3:32 PM.


  • Updated Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor Ret Paladin Quick Tips through High Tinker Mekkatorque.


  • All Charts Updated at 6:04 AM.


  • Added initial Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor Ret Paladin Quick Tips.
  • All Charts Updated at 7:51 PM.


  • Updated Azerite Helmet Trait selection.


  • All Charts Updated for nerfs at 7:46 PM.
  • Updated Light's Decree and Empyrean Power in Bug Tracker.
  • All Charts Updated for nerfs at 2:00 AM.


  • All Charts Updated 10:06 PM.
  • Updated Inquisition in Bug Tracker.


  • All Charts Updated 1:44 AM.
  • Updated Gear list.


  • Grong's Primal Rage added.


  • Everchill Anchor updated in AoE chart.
  • Ramping Amplitude Gigavolt Engine updated in both charts.


  • Everchill Anchor updated in ST chart. AoE chart will be updated later.


  • All Charts Updated 11:10 PM.
  • Azerite and Trinkets are now set for Battle of Dazar'alor. Please make sure to read above the graphs for pertinent information.
  • Updated Raid Gear for Battle of Dazar'alor.
  • Uldir Gear and Azerite Traits removed as they do not gain an extra ring or Titanforge.


  • All Charts Updated 11:36 PM.
  • Zandalari Racial information added. Sims Soon™.


  • All Charts Updated 11:01 PM.
  • Fixed Archive of Titans Execute Chart sim.
  • On Blade of Wrath Talent Chart switched Crusade to Inquisition to properly benefit Expurgation.


  • All Charts Updated 6:54 AM.
  • Fixed Knot of Ancient Fury.


  • All Charts Updated 12:51 AM.
  • Chart labels should no longer display index numbers instead of name(Hopefully).
  • Added Shadow of Elune.


  • New site layout! Thank you to Patron's and Donor's.


  • All Charts Updated 10:51 PM.
  • Added Apothecary's Concoctions.


  • All Charts Updated 6:49 PM.


  • All Charts Updated 8:37 PM.


  • Updated for 8.1.0

Ret Paladin Best In Slot Trinket


  • All Charts Updated 2:42 PM.
  • Improved Chart Tooltips.


  • All Charts Updated 11:56 AM.


  • All Charts Updated 10:15 PM.


  • All Charts Updated 11:36 AM.